Year 5 and 6
Please click on each link to see the essential knowledge that your child will be expected to know and remember each half term.
UKS2 Science Knowledge Organiser.pdf
UKS2 DT Knowledge Organiser.pdf
UKS2 French Knowledge Organiser.pdf
UKS2 Geography Knowledge Organiser
UKS2 French Knowledge Organiser
UKS2 Science Knowledge Organiser
Summer 1
UKS2 Science Knowledge Organiser
UKS2 Geography Knowledge Organiser
Click below for 100 books to read in Year 5 and 6
Please find attached information regarding the Year 6 SATs that will be taking place the week commencing 8th May . Please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher via the school office if you have any further queries about this.
information_for_parents_-_2023_national_curriculum_tests_at_the_end_of_key_stages_1_and_2 (1).pdf
Bewerley Park
Falcons Class Activities