Admissions Process
Supplementary Information Form 2023/2024
Supplementary Information Form 2024/2025
North Yorkshire Council - FAO Parents of Nursery Children
How to Apply for a Place at St Robert's Catholic Primary School
September admissions to school for Reception pupils
Starting in Reception September 2024 children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020
Applications for a place at our school must be made via North Yorkshire Council. Applications are made online and must be completed by 15 January of the year in which your child will be starting school.
If you feel that your child should be in a specific category i.e. Baptised Catholic, then please complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and provide the required evidence. The SIF is available to download from this page and must be submitted to the school by 15th January of the year in which you wish your child to start school e.g. 15 January 2024 for pupils starting school in September 2024. Failure to provide a SIF, or the necessary evidence, could affect the category your application is placed in. Please note that it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to complete all forms and supply evidence – reminders will not be sent.
NYC will advise you of the outcome of your application on our behalf. The timetable for notification is available on the NYC website via the link above (April 16th 2024). Unsuccessful applicants will be given reasons related to the over-subscription criteria listed in our Admission Policy and advised of their right of appeal to an independent appeal panel.
In year applications
An application can be made for a school place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places. If you wish to make an application please contact the school on and for details of the application process.
Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in the policy will be applied. If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list.
You will be advised of the outcome or your application in writing within 15 days, and you have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel.
Please see our Admission Policy for full details and to make an application and for further information about the NYC application system.
Admission Appeals
By law, if your child is refused a place at your preferred school, you have the right to appeal against that decision to an independent panel. School admission appeal panels are independent of the school and the local authority. At the hearing, you can present your reasons for preferring that particular school and the panel will decide whether your reasons are strong enough to overturn the admission authority's decision.
You can use the form that you download from the NYCC website to submit an appeal. There is an address on the form that tells you where to send it to. Make sure you read all the accompanying guidance notes and that you check the deadline, which varies but is usually in late May for primary schools.
If you would like to find out more information about the right to appeal go to:
Secondary School Admissions
If your child is expected to start secondary school in September, the application forms must be completed and returned online by the end of October. Please go to the North Yorkshire admissions website (link below).
If you wish to contact the admissions team call 01609 533679 or email them at
Please note that many schools, for example St John Fisher, require a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to be submitted.