We aim to work together with parents, the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust and the Local Authority to:
- Ensure that every child attends, on time, every day possible so that they:
- Establish positive routines and attitudes towards their education from the earliest point
- Progress well academically and socially.
- Develop excellent habits for their next steps in education and their careers.
- Promote and support the safety and welfare of all pupils
All parents who have children of compulsory school age are legally responsible for ensuring that their children receive a suitable education. Children who are in Reception and have not yet reached their 5th birthday will still benefit from the routine and structure of attending school at an early age.
Punctuality also has an impact on attendance rates. If a child arrives late at school, after registration closes, this equates to an absence.
The school day starts at 8.55am and ends at 3.25pm
All absences should be reported by parents before 9.15am by following the school’s absence reporting procedures. Please call the school office on 01423 504730 or email or
this information can also be found on the school’s website :
The attendance ladder below indicates the impact attendance can have on a child’s learning and attainment.