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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Y5 Kites

Welcome to Kites class 

Your child is now a valued member of UKS2. In Year 5, they become more responsible and are trusted to be positive role models for the younger children. In Kites Class, we work hard and we play hard; the highlight of our year is our three-day residential at Bewerley Park – we can’t wait! 


The Staff Team:

Class teacher: Mrs Roxby 

Support Staff: Mrs Rajan 

Home school communication, both to celebrate the good things and tackle any problems or concerns is essential in ensuring the very best education for your child. Parents, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Roxby via admin@st-roberts.n-yorks.sch.uk. 

Important days: 


Whole School Act of Worship 

PE- Please wear your PE kit and trainers to school on this day and remove any earrings. In line with the uniform policy, long hair must be tied back every day. 

Reading Record to be handed in. 


Class Act of Worship 


Singing Liturgy 

PE- Please wear your PE kit and trainers to school on this day and remove any earrings. In line with the uniform policy, long hair must be tied back every day. 

Maths Homework to be handed in. 


Class Act of Worship. 


Whole school celebration assembly 

Library day. Time to change books! 

Homework Books for Spelling Quiz and new spellings every two weeks. 

Upper Key Stage 2 Curriculum Documents: 

welcome to kites 24.pdf

UKS2 LTP Year A (2025/2026) 

UKS2 LTP Year B (2024/2025) 

Reading and Spelling Phonics:

Kites Reading Challenge: kites-book-challenge.pdf 

Click below for 100 books to read in Upper Key Stage 2: 






Year 5 and 6 spellings Year 5 and 6 spellings.pdf 

Knowledge Organisers:

Please click on each link to see the essential knowledge that your Year 5 child will be expected to know and remember each half term. 

Autumn 1 





UKS2 Computing - Spreadsheets.pdf 

DT Pizza Making KO.pdf 

Useful Websites: 

Here are some websites and ideas to support your child’s learning at home. If you need a reminder of your login, let me know! 

  • Times Table Rock Stars enabled children to practice their times tables to help them get quicker and more accurate. 
  • Oxford Owl is a website where your children can read a book on a computer or tablet. You will need to click on Oxford owl for home and create your own login, 
  • Letter join is a great website to practise our handwriting it can be used on computers or tablets. 
  • BBC bitesize provides a range of videos, quizes and games on a range of subjects. 
  • My Maths- Home - MyMaths