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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Subject Leader

Mrs Cardamone

Curriculum Intent

At St Robert’s Primary School, we believe that every child should learn about science in a way that is engaging, educational and relevant throughout their school years. By the time they leave primary school, children need the right knowledge and investigative skills for their secondary education. It is important that they are able to see the relevance of science in their own lives, and imagine future science related careers based upon it.

Recent research by UCL has highlighted that: “Children's ‘science identities’ – the extent to which they see science as 'for them' – are formed early and affect their future interests and aspirations. “ 

We plan units of work that will challenge prior knowledge in order to construct a good, new understanding of substantive knowledge. In addition to this, disciplinary knowledge is developed through the understanding of scientific methods, degrees of certainty and conducting investigations. Prior knowledge must be revisited before introducing new ideas, and misconceptions are actively diagnosed and discussed. At St Robert’s Primary School, we follow an enquiry based approach which focuses on the acquisition of substantive knowledge before ‘proving’ or inquiring through investigations.

Science Curriculum Development:


science progression document.pdf