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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

The Pupil Premium Grant is extra funding from the government to help schools improve the attainment of pupils who are disadvantaged which includes those children entitled to free school meals.  When a child receives a free school meal the school receives additional funding allocated for children who are registered as being entitled to ‘free school meals.’ This funding is known as Pupil Premium. Once a child is registered for free school meals the funding continues for the next 6 years in school. Pupil premium funding is used to support your child’s learning. School uses the money to provide teaching assistant support, educational resources, clubs e.g. music lessons, sport groups etc. Your child benefits greatly from this extra funding which enables them to progress in many ways.

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals under the Universal Infant Free School Meal Scheme. Although this is not means-tested, if you do qualify for any financial support shown below, please complete the NYC online form as this could enable school to claim the Pupil Premium Funding to further support them.

Free school meals are available for all years for pupils whose families receive financial support.

Check to see if you are entitled and register through the North Yorkshire Council website by following link:


Click on the links below to view St Robert’s current Pupil Premium Strategy