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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Y1/2 Sparrows

Welcome to Sparrows class

It is a great privilege to teach Year 1 and 2 and see how much they grow, blossom and flourish in these formative years. Sparrows staff are really looking forward to working with your children this year, getting to know them and seeing them form new friendships, develop independence and become responsible learners. 



The Staff Team:

Class teacher: Mrs Bhogal 

Support Staff: Mrs McTague, Miss Skalska, Mrs Jennings, Mrs Rajan 

Home school communication, both to celebrate the good things and tackle any problems or concerns is essential in ensuring the very best education for your child. Parents, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Bhogal via admin@st-roberts.n-yorks.sch.uk. 

Important days: 


Whole School Act of Worship 

Library day. Time to change books! 


Class Act of Worship


Singing Liturgy  


Homework books and Reading books are collected in. 

PE- Please wear your PE kit and trainers to school on this day and remove any earrings. In line with the uniform policy, long hair must be tied back every day. 


Whole school celebration assembly 

New Reading book and Homework books go home. 

PE- Please wear your PE kit and trainers to school on this day and remove any earrings. 

Reading books and Reading Records must be in school everyday. 

The Phonics Screening Check will take place week commencing 10th June 2025. 

KS1 Curriculum Documents: 

welcome to sparrows information.pdf

KS1 LTP Year A (2025/2026) 

KS1 LTP Year B (2024/2025) 

Reading and Phonics: 

Please find resources below to help your child with their phonics and handwriting. 

We follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Scheme to help your children to read. Your child is on their journey to becoming a skilled reader. In Reception, they learned all of the single letter sounds, the consonant digraphs and some vowel digraphs (digraph: two letters, one sound) and trigraphs (three letters, one sound). In Year 1, children will learn the remaining graphemes in the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised programme. These are alternative spellings for the sounds that they already know. The children will become more fluent readers and will read increasingly challenging texts.















Click below for 100 books to read in KS1: 



Knowledge Organisers: 

Please click on each link to see the essential knowledge that your Year 1 child will be expected to know and remember each half term. 

Autumn 1 

KO ART Drawing Tell a Story.pdf 

KO Computing -digital-photography.pdf 

KO History I'm making history.pdf 

KO Music- musical-me.pdf 

KO PSHE-British-values-and-human-rights.pdf 

KO Science animals-inc-humans-basic-needs-.pdf 

Useful Websites: