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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Our Mini Vinnies


An integral part of the Catholic life of the school are the Mini Vinnies. The Mini Vinnies are the youngest members of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), which is an international voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage.

Whether that is in school, the local community or the wider world, they are on hand to provide assistance to those in need. The Mini Vinnies follow the pattern of see-think-do. They see who needs help, think about what they can do to help and then do something about it. 

The Mini Vinnies at St Robert’s are a group of year 6 children who meet every two weeks after school. 

Here are some examples of the work that Mini Vinnies do at St Robert’s:

  • Organise and run second-hand toy sales to raise money for local charities. 
  • Organise and run cake sales each week. 
  • Organise collections for the local foodbank. 
  • Plan and deliver whole school Acts of Worship 
  • Organise and run special fundraising events during Advent and Lent for Catholic charities: CAFOD and Good Shepherd Appeal. 

The Mini Vinnie Pledge:

As a member of the Mini Vinnies, I promise to make a difference to my world by: 

  • Caring for, respecting and loving myself. 
  • Strengthening my friendship with Jesus by talking to him each day and talking to others about him. 
  • Caring for others in my school and community by being a friend to those who are alone, in need or in trouble. 
  • Making my family happy by my help, respect and showing kindness and consideration. 
  • Caring for and enjoying God’s world. 
  • Treating others, the way I would like them to treat me. 

The Mini Vinnie Prayer:

Lord, thank you for our gifts and talents. 
Lord, show us who needs our help. 
Lord, use our hands to help those who are hungry. 
Lord, open our hearts to love and comfort those who are sad and lonely. 
Lord, let us share our time, gifts and talents with those in need. 
Lord, help us to care for the sick. 
Lord, may we all help and support each other as Mini Vinnies to build a better world. 