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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Transition to Secondary School

Welcome information from St John Fisher Catholic High School

St John Fisher Catholic High School is a community of faith where every student is encouraged to grow, learn, develop spiritually and excel.

St John Fisher School was founded in 1958 and used to be on a site right next door to St Robert’s Primary School. The current school moved to their present building, an old convent, in 1968.

At St John Fisher Catholic High School, the transition programme starts in Year 5, with feeder Catholic primary schools visiting for a taster day of lessons in the summer term. After the SATs in primary schools, the staff from St John Fisher Catholic High School will meet all the Year 6 teachers and the children allocated places at the school. Where necessary, extra visits may be arranged with the SENCO.

Transition days take place in early July when the new Year 7 students get to meet their subject teachers and begin to find their way around school. At the end of the day the children leave with a transition pack containing everything they need to know about their new school.

In the September the school has a staggered start for its students, allowing for a smooth and purposeful transition into Year 7.

Starting secondary school can be daunting, but the booklet has information that you might need to get you prepared for your first day.

You can download the Year 7 transition booklet here: https://johnfisher.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/document/SJF-Y7-prospective-2022-1.pdf

Pupils from St Robert’s also go to other Secondary High Schools in Harrogate that you may want to find out about, go to their websites to find out more .