Subject Leader
Mrs Yoshiyama
Curriculum Intent
The fundamental role of geography at St. Robert’s Catholic Primary School lies in helping children to understand the world, its environments, places near and far and the processes that create and affect them. It will provide children with the necessary cultural capital to become global citizens, with an awareness of current world events. The geography curriculum will enable children to take on the role of a geographer and steward of our planet: exploring, discovering and beginning to make sense of the world around them and the role we play in its change.
Geography is a dynamic subject because the world, and our understanding of it, is continually changing. Living in an area of outstanding natural beauty means that it is our duty at St. Robert’s Catholic Primary School to ensure the children have a strong understanding the geography of their immediate locality. Encouraging children to understand the geography of their local area and to spend time outdoors is also proven to improve mental health.
“A high quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.” DfE
Geography Curriculum Development:
St. Robert's Geography Intent, Implementation, Impact Feb '24.docx
geography progression document.pdf