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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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PTA St Robert's Helping Hands

Welcome to St Robert's Helping Hands

St Robert’s Helping Hands have organised a number of events this year from the Fancy Dress Sale and the Spooky Disco to Advent Wreath making. They are planning lots more events in the coming months including Christmas Movie Night, Christmas Hamper Raffle and a Valentine’s Disco.

We would like to invite you to all our events fundraising and enjoying family fun for the children in school.

We have evolved over the last few years into St Robert’s Helping Hands as we would like to offer everyone in the school the chance to help and to benefit from our help.

As a new parent/carer you are invited to join our Classlist communication site where you will find lots of information about out events, plus lots of up to date communications from school, including the weekly newsletter. Go to Classlist.com and look for St Robert’s Catholic Primary School then sign up.