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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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If the school has to close, we aim to inform parents at the first possible opportunity.

  • 1. A message will be posted on Classlist.
  • 2. A message will be put on the school website.
  • 3. An email will be sent to parents/carers.
  • 4. The local BBC Radio York radio will announce school closures due to bad weather.

If the school needs to close during the school day, the above procedures will be followed.

If the school is closing at a specific time, you will be informed and the usual collection routines will apply.

If children are to be collected at other times, please report to the school office where a member of school staff will collect your child from their classroom for you.

Parents must not enter the school building to collect their child unless they have specific permission and are signed in by a member of staff.