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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Wrap Around Care

St Robert’s have their own newly formed Before & After-School Club called “Bobbies.” 

Bobbie's is run by our experienced school staff who provide a warm and welcoming environment where your child can build friendships, enjoy games and stories, and explore their creativity and imagination. With a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, open-ended craft supplies, engaging toys and games, and a cosy space to unwind, Bobbie's is the perfect place for your child to relax and recharge before or after their school day.

Open for before-school care, starting at 7:30 am, and after-school care until 5:30 pm.

Please note Bobbies After School Care bookings are made up front and payable in advance via ParentPay

Before school £6.50

After school £12

Childcare vouchers taken

The club is closed on Training Days & Bank Holidays

The entrance to the club is via the door at the back of the school between the kitchen entrance and the bicycle rack.

Contact Liz Carlsen


07443 209573