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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Voluntary Contribution Scheme

St Robert’s Project Fund 

As part of our drive to continually improve our facilities several building projects have been completed in the past several years from new roof and boiler to refurbishment of toilets, classroom C-Touch screens and new security doors. This has provided a more up to date and welcoming environment for all our children.

To continue to maintain and develop our school environment we would like to explain how you can help us to update the school buildings and facilities through the St Robert’s Project Fund.

What is the St Robert’s Project Fund?

The government pays 90% of the cost of building and repairing Catholic schools and the Leeds Diocese, in our case, has to provide the remaining 10% through the Voluntary Contribution Scheme (VCS). The diocese has asked all schools in the diocese to try and raise monies themselves and we do this through the St Robert’s Project Fund.

What did the St Robert’s fund pay for?

In the previous years the Project Fund donations led to the installation of Air Conditioning in the KS2 classrooms the MUGA (multi use games area) which allows our children to continue sporting activities throughout the school year. The school has also installed an efficient new boiler system and completed all three phases of a newly insulated roof which has made a considerable difference to reducing the schools’ energy bills and our impact on the environment.

Our outdoor provision for the Reception children was also improved and extended providing a much larger and enhanced outdoor area for all our children. All of the

improvements mentioned would not have been possible without your help in supporting the VCS fund.

What does the Project Fund want to support this year?

Our school was built in 1964 and is showing its age. We are continually looking at how we can improve and update the facilities But we can’t do all of this without your help. We are currently hoping to upgrade and make secure the space around the front of school and side of the building by refurbishing and installing new secure access and fencing.

How can you help?

We appreciate that we live in difficult times but we suggest a one off payment by parents /carers of £50 per child per year with a maximum total of £70 per family pa where 2 or more children attend our school. This works out at less than £1.30 a week for each week your child is in school or less than £1.80 for 2 or more children. Some parents have set up a monthly standing order of £5.

How can you pay?

Payment should be made through the school office or by monthly standing order. Taxpayers can complete a Gift Aid Declaration form (attached) which allows the school to reclaim the tax on your contribution.

The Academy Council would like to thank you for your continuing support in helping St Robert’s Catholic School now and in the future.