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St Robert's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Design & Technology

Subject Leader

Miss Clarke

Curriculum Intent

The fundamental role of Design and Technology at St Robert’s Primary School is to develop children’s creativity and imagination to create products to solve real and relevant problems. Design and technology allows children opportunities to contribute to wider society as adults; learning to consider their own needs and wants along with the needs, wants and values of others when creating new products.

We want to prepare our children for the fast-paced developments in global technology and excite their scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical minds. We want to empower them to become global citizens who play an active and proactive part in protecting t future of our diverse planet and become the next generation of innovators.

We aim to nurture creativity and innovation in our children’s minds, by offering them opportunities to explore the awe and wonder of the designed world in which we live and work. Our children will design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. They will learn and build on a range of practical and technical skills, knowledge and understanding; testing their ideas and critiquing and evaluating their own products and the work of others. They will be offered iterative learning opportunities that will allow them to build on previous learning and retain knowledge in their long-term memory.

Through our carefully planned units, our children learn and apply a set of technical skills in structures, mechanisms, textiles, digital world and electrical control while using a range of materials. Our children are offered opportunities to learn to cook using a range of techniques in order to promote healthy eating and independence. The revision and introduction of key vocabulary is built into each lesson. The children also draw upon their knowledge and skills in other subjects such as Maths, Science, Computing and Art. Each unit will begin with a Prior Knowledge Assessment where children can recall previous and connected knowledge as well as provide a baseline for building new knowledge. Knowledge organisers will provide key information and vocabulary that will be taught in each unit. These will build a learning journey that children can refer back to over time. We implement the curriculum through giving the children real and relevant problems to solve, making cross curricular links to broaden our understanding, offering enrichment opportunities like workshops and competitions and creating real products that are functional and serve a purpose.

Our children will be inspired through learning about key people past and present: people from all walks of life, people from the protected characteristic groups, people who have made significant contribution to the world in the STEM subjects.


DT Curriculum Development:

St Robert's DT policy for Intent, implementation, impact March '20.docx